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It was on 30th March, 1936, that the first broadcasting Station to operate from Inverell, Northern New South Wales, went on the air, using the call-sign 2LV. Less than a year later the demand for the services of the new station was so insistent that an increase in power was granted, and the station became 2NZ, Northern New South Wales.

A subsequent increase in power gave 2NZ two thousand watts in the aerial with which to provide broadcasting service to the important area of which Inverell is the centre. At present the Station draws response from a large part of Northern New South Wales, Southern Queensland, the wealthy pastoral and grazing areas around Glen Innes, to Moree on the North Western Plains, and portion of the Darling Downs.

The studios and offices at Broadcasting House, Otho Street, Inverell are modern in design and equipment, and comprise general offices, two studios and control room. The transmitter at Little Plain is approximately ten miles from Inverell, and has a transmission line fed "T" type aerial system.

image of Radio Station 2NZ Manager John Twyford

John Twyford.

JOHN TWYFORD, Station Manager, had his early training in the office of one of Sydney's largest manufacturing concerns. He is experienced in costing, customs and shipping work; both export and import. Transferred to the Sales Staff, Mr Twyford spent 11 years as Country and Interstate representative. He was Queensland's first commercial aviator and has an excellent record in the marketing of new lines and products.

Mr Twyford accepted a position as Country Salesman for Northern Broadcasters Pty. Ltd. (Station 2NZ) 8½ years ago and was promoted to Station Manager after 2½ years service. Having spent years in contacting graziers and farmers, has a clear vision and understanding of the requirements of the country dweller At all times Mr Twyford welcomes salesmen in search of contacts. He has a fund of knowledge of the North and Northwest and can give valuable advice and introductions to buyers and store managers.

As a member of the Inverell Municipal Council he is keenly interested in Local Government activities. He is also a member of the Inverell Electricity Committee and energetically pursues a policy of Rural Power Reticulation. His sporting pastimes are swimming and fishing.

image of Radio Station 2NZ Announcer Len Wynne

Len Wynne.

LEN WYNNE evening announcer was born at Leura, Blue Mountains, in 1919, and was educated at Bathurst High School. He spent three years with 2KA and 2BS prior to joining the R.A.A.F. Len saw active service in many Pacific Islands, and had further radio experience in Brisbane before joining 2NZ.

image of Radio Station 2NZ Announcer Alan Johnston

Alan Johnston.

ALAN JOHNSTON, aged 17 is a popular announcer on 2NZ. Educated at Leeton Intermediate High School, he worked in a radio and electrical store in Glen Innes before joining 2NZ where he presents morning, mid-day and racing sessions, and produces script for a programme of current hits entitled "Your Popular Parade".

image of Radio Station 2NZ Announcer Alison Black

Alison Black.

ALISON BLACK is 2NZ's woman announcer who conducts a three-hour programme daily. Portion of the programme is devoted to the interests of the 2NZ Country Service Club which has raised considerable sums of money for many charitable purposes. Alison is also a singer and she won great popularity with her "Treasury of Song'' session which called for the singing of eight songs ranging from popular numbers to ballads. With Jim Iliffe, she conducts the Tiny Tots' and Children's Sessions each afternoon, trains the 2NZ Singing Group Girls, and is pianist for child entertainers. Being a versatile young woman, she also supervises the 2NZ programmes.

image of Radio Station 2NZ Announcer Jim Iliffe

Jim Iliffe.

JIM ILIFFE, Breakfast session announcer on 2NZ "hits the air'' at 6.30 a.m. daily to present the early morning programme. He is also heard in part of the lunch-time session. With Alison Black, Jim helps to make the Children's Session a success. He has been in civilian clothes for about nine months after varied experience with the Army and the R.A.A.F.

image of Radio Station 2NZ Announcer Ray Vickery

Ray Vickery.

RAY VICKERY, aged 18, is assistant evening announcer on 2NZ, and is also heard on the Sunday early morning and lunch-time programmes. Educated at Inverell High School, Ray produces scripts for "Musical Meanderings," and "Tenors of World Fame."

2NZ Local and District Activities

The popularity of 2NZ is demonstrated by the fact that such towns as Moree, Glen Innes, Mungindi, Goondiwindi, Bingara, Barraba, Warialda, Tingha, Emmavllle, Ashford, Guyra and Deepwater, consider it their local station. This is borne out by the fact that any event of consequence is always broadcast by 2NZ. The station's engineers visit these towns to relay back to the studios in Inverell, anything that is of general interest to the people of the Northwest Slopes.

2NZ's local advertisers are distributed right over these towns. Many clients in Moree and Glen Innes regularly use the daytime sessions for broadcasting their sales message and this has been done successfully over the years.

Prospects for the future of the North and Northwest are brighter than in most places, because of its geographical situation. Plans have been made for water conservation schemes on most of the rivers. This will bring about much closer settlement. A railway from Inverell to Iluka on the coast has been recommended.

Station 2NZ has always been held in high esteem because of its generous policy towards charities, war effort and matters of civic importance. Programmes will hold their own with the best in the radio field. The staff of 16 people are efficient in their respective departments. The sales staff is always ready to co-operate with potential advertisers who require information as to market possibilities for their products.

Australian Radio History

Now available as a free eBook!

2NZ - NORTHERN N.S.W., Broadcast Year Book and Radio Listeners' Annual of Australia 1946-47.
Editor: C C Faulkner.
© Ray Crawford Collection, Radio Heritage Foundation.

Digital version of text, images and layout © Radio Heritage Foundation 2005.

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I'm embarrassed to be here. I'm waiting for the state radio sponsor to arrive. He's late. Please just ask me to go away. I'm cheap.


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