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4CA Cairns
"At the Top of Australia"

The Cairns Station is the most northerly on the Australian Coast. It is owned and operated by Amalgamated Wireless (Australasia) Limited, and, as it gives trouble-free reception to listeners of Cairns and District , it is of particular value in that Area.

4CA operates on a Wave Length of 300 Metres (1000 K/Cs.). The Station commenced operations on May 16th, 1936, and over the last ten years has maintained an uninterrupted service to its listeners.

Transmission Hours are:-
Sundays - 8.45 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. to 10.30 p.m.
Monday to Saturday - 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. to 10.30 p.m.

Personalities on the Station include:-
image of Radio Station 4CA Cairns Staff

4CA Staff 1946.
Standing, Left to Right: - John Young, Bill Cunningham, Mavis Meade, Geoffrey Callaghan, Betty Reece, Tony Studdert, Lesley Ross.
Sitting, Left to Right: - Betty Waugh, John Dower (Manager), John Gleeson, Joan Tills.

JOHN DOWER: Manager 4CA. Joined A.W.A. in 1924 and served as a Telegraphist with the Marine Department on a number of Australian Merchant Vessels. Was transferred to the Broadcasting Department in 1934 and has been Manager at 2AY Albury, 2GN Goulburn and 4CA Cairns. Educated at New England Grammar School and Armidale College. Born in 1901 at Glen Innes N.S.W.

J. F. GLEESON: Born in Warwick, Queensland, John Gleeson received the greater part of his education in Townsville, and eventually attended the Marconi School of Wireless in Sydney, where he secured his First Class Commercial Operator's Certificate. Following a short period at sea, he was appointed to 4CA in 1942 as Technician-Announcer. His spare-time occupation is studying Accountancy.

R.A. STUDDERT: Born in Armidale, N.S.W., and educated at the High School in that City. He secured his First Class Commercial Operator's Certificate at the Marconi School, Sydney. Appointed to the A.W.A. Marine Staff, and served on Transports carrying troops to New Guinea. He joined 4CA in 1944. Hobby is practising Trumpet and keeping his Automobiles going.

W.F. CUNNINGHAM: Hails from Melbourne. Trained at the Marconi School of Wireless there, and previously to joining the staff of 4CA as Technician in 1945, served at sea and in the Coastal Radio Service. Is married and is the proud father of a daughter. Likes tennis, but finds that the garden takes up most of his spare time.

image of ad for Radio Station 4CA Cairns

4CA Advertisement.

JOHN YOUNG: A native of the Far North, educated in Brisbane. John joined 4CA in 1941, and enlisted in the R.A.A.F. on his 18th birthday in 1942, and so was transferred to the Radio Section. Saw service in New Guinea and after demobilisation in February, 1946, resumed duties in the Accounts Department. John is now studying with a view to securing a Broadcast Operator's Certificate. Hobbies are Photography and Cricket.

MISS MAVIS MEADE: Announcer. Is a native of Cairns, and has been with 4CA since 1941. Before being appointed announcer, she progressed through each Department of the Station - accounts, copywriting, programme and manager's secretary. During the evacuation period in the bad days of 1942, Mavis remained loyally on the job. Golf is her favourite pastime.

MISS JOAN TILLS: A local girl who joined 4CA in 1942. Joan is now Music Librarian. Fond of outdoor sports, she is the woman champion of the Cairns Archery Club, and is one of the leading local swimmers. A daughter of a soldier of the last war. She has always interested herself in the Junior Auxiliary of the R.S.S.A.I.L.A.

Miss BETTY REECE: Another real North Queenslander, hailing from Mount Molloy. She received her Secondary Education in Herberton, and has been on the 4CA staff since January, 1945, as Typiste. Betty is a splendid horsewoman, having grown up in the saddle. As a very small girl, she rode a goodish number of miles to and from the old bush school each day.

MISS LESLEY ROSS: Born and educated in Herberton, and joined the Accounts Department of 4CA in 1943. Possessed of an unusually good memory, Lesley is a veritable "Walking Index'' of her own Department. She is an enthusiastic member of the Archery Club and her other pastime is swimming.

MISS BETTY WAUGH: Is the baby of the 4CA staff. She joined the Office Personnel in 1944, at the age of 15, after passing the Junior University with a creditable pass, particularly in Typing, Shorthand and Book-keeping. Born in Gordonvale, she attended High School in Cairns. Still retains her love for horses, and nominates riding and sewing as her favourite pastimes.

Australian Radio History

Now available as a free eBook!

4CA - CAIRNS "At the Top of Australia". A unit of Amalgamated Wireless [A/Asia] Ltd, Broadcast Year Book and Radio Listeners' Annual of Australia 1946-47.
Editor: C C Faulkner.
© Ray Crawford Collection, Radio Heritage Foundation.

Digital version of text, images and layout © Radio Heritage Foundation 2005.

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