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7HO Hobart's Original

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My Kind of Town [.ram]

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7HO - Hobart's Original
A Station of Entertainment and Service

7HO Hobart, the first commercial station to operate in Tasmania, and one of the first seven in Australia, is known to a wide and appreciative audience as "Hobart's Original Station." It is owned and operated by commercial Broadcasters Pty. Ltd. and is a unit of the Macquarie Broadcasting Network.

image of K.B. Goyne

K.B. Goyne

The Directors are: S. Sims, L. Nettlefold, and G. F. Davies and the Station Manager is K. Goyne.

Of consistently high quality and great variety, 7HO's programmes have won warm appreciation while the technical excellence of transmissions and freedom from plant failure, have upheld the station's enviable reputation.

The 500 watt transmitter of 7HO is situated 900 feet above sea level, on Mount Nelson, about 5 miles from the Studios at 82 Elizabeth Street. This site, because of its elevation and the excellent "earth" provided, contributes to the excellent reception obtained in country areas.

In regard to programmes 7HO has the clear-cut policy of arranging programmes which will provide maximum entertainment for the greatest number of people - something for every taste. So, from the cheery breakfast session onwards, something of interest is always on the air, dramatic serials -the hospital session – women's interests - popular music or classics - interesting talks on many subjects - and regular news broadcasts both local and oversea. All sporting events are covered. This year, 7HO has become the first commercial station to broadcast galloping events from Elwick Racecourse.

These programme features combine to maintain 7HO as a focal point for the interests of the community.

K. B. GOYNE. Came to 7HO early in 1940. Entered radio after 17 years of newspaper work in Northern Tasmania. Has taken a keen interest in music and has studied voice production. Was one of the first Tasmanians to take up broadcasting, having broadcast with 3LO in 1928.

ERIC McRAE. 7HO's Advertising Manager. Served with Army Amenities during the war, during which time was O.C. of a radio station in Borneo. At time of writing is still on service, but expected back very soon.

image of Shelagh Owen

Shelagh Owen

SHELAGH OWEN. Commenced radio career with 7HO four years ago as personality conducting regular Saturday Bachelor Girl Session. Now on the air from 9 till 12 daily conducting 7HO Women's Session. Shelagh is a well known and talented stage personality in Hobart, and has taken part in many radio plays.

image of Denice Hopgood

Denice Hopgood

DENICE HOPGOOD. On the air as "Janet" every morning at 10 o'clock, conducting the popular Hospital Programme from a studio in the Royal Hobart Hospital. Visits all Hobart hospitals regularly to collect request programmes for patients and messages and cheerios for friends and relatives. Janet's warm and bight personality does much to cheer the patients. She has a charming mezzo-soprano voice and recently won a scholarship for 12 months operatic tuition.

image of Brian Hodgman

Brian Hodgman

BRIAN HODGMAN. 7H0's popular sporting commentator. Has recently returned from service with the 2/8 Field Regt. in the Middle East. Regularly describes horse and dog races, wrestling, boxing, tennis, cricket and other sporting events. Before entering radio studied chemistry - but gave it up for broadcasting.

image of John Moore

John Moore

JOHN MOORE. Formerly a teacher with the State Education Department. Entered radio while farming at New Norfolk, acting in plays on the A.B.C. State programme. Is very interested in stage work and has appeared with the Launceston Players; the New Norfolk Players and the Hobart Repertory Theatre Society. While not announcing at 7HO, is heard in plays and school broadcasts with the A.B.C.

image of Bob Lange

Bob Lange

BOB LANGE. Has a large following as personality breakfast and lunch-time announcer. Recently returned to 7HO after 3½ years service abroad with the R.A.A.F. Takes part in many radio plays.

SHIRLEY BENNISON. Works in the programme department - and does part-time on the air. Has a wide knowledge of music and is interested in the stage, having studied ballet and taken part in many productions of the Hobart Repertory Theatre Society.

image of Shirley Bennison image of Alan Brown

Shirley Bennison

Alan Brown

ALAN BROWN. Has been on the 7HO announcing staff since 1939. Served four years with the Army - and when Army Amenities began broadcasting, was transferred from an Ack Ack Regiment to O.C. of 9AE, Jacquinot Bay Now back at HO as regular night announcer.

image of John Dodds

John Dodds

JOHN DODDS. The man who "keeps the wheels revolving" - 7HO's Chief Engineer. Has been with the station for 15 years, and is Chairman of the Tasmanian Division of the Institute of Radio Engineers. Other men behind the scenes are: Bill Morrison, Gordon Bell, John MacDermott, Bob Williams, Sidney Cooper and Don Clifford.

KATHLEEN HEADLAM. Is the station's copy writer and publicity officer. Office work is carried out by HELENE HARBUTT and BERYL HALL.

image of Kathleen Headlam image of Bernard Carr

Kathleen Headlam

Bernard Carr

BERNARD CARR. Began radio career with 7HO in 1943. Is 7HO's youngest announcer - being 18 in July 1946. Bernard's main work is with the Pals Club. He also conducts regular Saturday morning programme, and helps in the programme department.

7HO Women's Association

Promoting good fellowship among women, and contributing in many ways to the welfare of the community, the 7HO Women's Association, under the direction of Mrs. J. M. Reid, who is organiser and secretary, has a membership of 2,500.

image of Mrs J.M. Reid

Mrs J.M. Reid

This organisation has built up a record of service of which it may well be proud. Practically all women's interests are touched upon, through social, sporting and community-service activities. During the years of war, patriotic work was the primary object of the association which gave great support to the Red Cross and Australian Comforts Fund. Altogether about £5,000 was raised and 350 camouflage nets were provided by a special group of workers.

In the field of Sport the association has Tennis and Badminton Clubs supplemented by Bridge and other card games. Each year, Interstate Tennis and Bridge Matches are played.

Activities are centred at the Masonic Hall, Murray Street, where Club Rooms are available, together with a ballroom for dances and other social functions.

The Association is designed to benefit country women as much as their city sisters. There are Branches at Collinsvale, Glenlusk, Kettering and Police Point. The Branches have their own Committees and sports clubs, organise their own functions, and have been taking an active part in war work. Regular morning broadcasts by Mrs. Reid keep members in contact.

Through its Women's Association, 7HO has become an important influence among the women of Southern Tasmania.

7HO Pals Club

With a membership of well over 11,000, the 7HO Pals Club is conducted by "Janet" (Denice Hopgood) and Bernard Carr. Children of all ages are catered for - and boys and girls have the opportunity, at regular studio concerts, to reveal their ability as performers. Indeed, many have gone on to bigger things in entertainment.

Written contributions to the Pals-Session are welcomed by Janet and Bernard, whose aim is to keep the programmes both entertaining and educational.

Special features are selected serials such as "Biggles" and "David and Dawn"; Studio Concert and Quiz; "Cecilia's" Music School; Junior Red Cross with Miss Weaver; Radio Players' Weekly Play; Bernard's scrapbook and Janet's stories for the "Twinklers" who are the younger Pals.

Hikes, concerts and parties are other popular and regular events with the Pals.

Australian Radio History

Now available as a free eBook!

7HO Hobart's Original. A Unit of the MacQuarie Broadcasting Network, Broadcast Year Book and Radio Listeners' Annual of Australia 1946-47.
Editor: C C Faulkner.
© Ray Crawford Collection, Radio Heritage Foundation.

7HO audio My Kind of Town is © Andrew Baudinette 'Jingle Shrine' Collection.

Digital version of text, images and layout © Radio Heritage Foundation 2005.

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I'm embarrassed to be here. I'm waiting for the state radio sponsor to arrive. He's late. Please just ask me to go away. I'm cheap.


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