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New Buildings for KJQR & WSZO in 1969

The new building which will house radio stations KJQR on Saipan and WSZO on Majuro are straightforward, functional, and typhoon-resistant. Design and engineering is being provided the Trust Territory government by Honolulu-based Hawaii Architects & Engineers, Inc.

Two Trust Territory Radio Stations Locally Designed

Construction of two new radio stations in the Trust Territory will begin early this year. They are scheduled for completion in April, 1969.

The stations are KJQR, located on Navy Hill in Saipan, Marianas Islands, and WSZO near the Mobil Oil Bulk Plant on Majuro, Marshall Islands. The broadcasting operations are currently housed in old and obsolete buildings.

The broadcast stations are especially important to the island communities during periods of storm and typhoon emergencies which occur with some frequency in the Trust Territory Islands. Though not self-supporting, the government-operated stations do accept paid commercial material. Programming is primarily English language.

Architectural and engineering services for the new plans are being provided by Hawaii Architects & Engineers, Inc., a Honolulu-based association of nine member-firms.

Under a contract awarded in June, 1968, schematic drawings were submitted In November to the Radio Broadcast Center, Office of the High Commissioner, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Completed plans will be submitted this month.

The buildings are budgeted at $70,000 each and are identical, except for minor adjustments to accommodate the two sites.

Architectural character of the structures is simple and straight-forward and expresses the functional nature of the activity.

The floor plan is designed to house the administrative and the operational areas as two separate structures with a connecting passageway between. This passageway will serve also as a main entrance to the buildings.

The foundation, floor slab and exterior walls are of reinforced concrete. The roof is constructed of sheet metal on steel frames. Interior walls are of gypsum board. Major areas will be acoustically treated and both buildings will be completely air-conditioned.

The new radio stations will be typhoon-resistant.

HA&E's Luke, Miyamoto & Associates, Inc. is project manager in association with Frederick H. Kohloss & Associates, Inc., mechanical engineers, Ho & Okita, Inc., electrical engineers, and Donald T. Lo Engineers, Inc., structural engineers.

Others members of HA&E are: Bradley & Wong Inc., Dames & Moore. Sunn, Low, Tom and Hara Inc., R. M. Towill Corp. and Donald Wolbrink & Associates, Inc.

Original article published in The Honolulu Advertiser, Honolulu, Hawaii, 5th Jan 1969, via


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