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Lure of the Trail
Programme No. 1: National Park
NZ Department of Tourist & Publicity, 1939


In the late 1930s the New Zealand Department of Tourist and Publicity produced a series of radio programmes to encourage New Zealanders to holiday within New Zealand rather than travelling overseas.

1930s National Park poster 1930s National Park poster

Early National Park tourism posters © Pinterest

This series, entitled "Lure of the Trail", was produced by Radio Features Ltd and aired on the National Commercial Broadcasting Service stations 1ZB (Auckland), 2ZB (Wellington), 3ZB (Christchurch) and 4ZB (Dunedin).

Record label

Digital audio © Radio Heritage Foundation

In this episode the narrator compares Palm Springs in the USA, and the European Alps to the National Park region in the Central North Island of New Zealand.

The virtues of this region as an all-year-round sporting destination are extolled.

1930s National Park poster 1930s National Park poster

Early National Park tourism posters © Pinterest

GTB ad

"All roads lead to home, and the Government Tourist Bureau knows all the roads"

Record docket

Transfer docket between the ZB stations © Radio Heritage Foundation

These records were found in a library sale in New York by one of our supporters, who donated them by hand during a cruise to New Zealand!

The recordings are 12" 33⅓ rpm records that play from the inside out.

In the 1980s a similar media campaign was run using the catchphrase, "Don't leave town till you've seen the country", a slogan which is still part of the Kiwi vernacular today.

Record packaging

Some of the well-travelled packaging originally use to ship these records around NZ © Radio Heritage Foundation


Radio Heritage Foundation projects and activities connect radio, popular culture, history and heritage.

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We welcome a sense of wonder from the joy of listening via radio, and from memories retold for the enjoyment of all generations.

We prefer to use environmentally sustainable goods and services where we can afford to, and we provide free community access worldwide to our collections, published research, preservation and promotion activities in a completely paper-free environment.

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