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The Co-operative Global Radio Memories Project
2GB Sydney is operated by Broadcasting Station 2GB Pty. Ltd., with offices and studio at 134 Phillip Street, Sydney, and transmitter at Homebush Point, Parramatta River. 2GB operates on a power of one kilowatt and a wave length of 345 metres (870 kcs.).
The station commenced operations in 1926, and is the key station of the Macquarie Broadcasting Network, with a link-up of stations in all States.
The Directors are: R.E. Denison, L.A. Denison, F.H.W. Daniell, S.S. Crick, S.G. Rowe, A.W. Perriam Executive Staff: H. G. Horner - General Manager, C. A. Fletcher - Service Manager, R. E. Lane - Assistant General Manager, K. Freeman - Programme Manager, B. C. Button - Assistant Manager, L. N. Schultz - Chief Engineer, S. O. Clarke - Advertising Manager, R. A. Irish - Secretary, W. H. Calley - Chief Accountant. Announcing Staff: P. Tate, F. Sturge Harty, K. Eadie, J. Lumsdaine, J. Laurie, Mrs. W. Stelzer, B. Wright, F. Grose, J. Walker, Miss J. Read, C. McKay, A. O'Keefe. Technical Staff: L. N. Schultz - Chief Engineer, H. K. R. Thomas, D. G. Walters, R. Oakley, J. D. Murphy, R. N. Franks, C. T. Hibbert, N. W. Cruickshank, E. G. Pugh, J. C. Hollings, L. Truebridge, W. K. Meredith.
Transmission Hours: Monday to Friday . . . . 6 a.m. - 11.30 p.m. Saturday ... 6 a.m. - Midnight Sunday 7.30 a.m. - 11 p.m. Sales Staff: S. O. Clarke - Advertising Manager, C. A. Fletcher - Service Manager, A. N. Crooke - Copy Manager, W. Firth, L. G. Mather - Melbourne Sales Manager, H. Clarke, N. Andrew, K. Stevens, A. Ward, W. Watson, W. J. Stelzer.
2GB retains a fully staffed Copy and Production Department, which is at all times at the disposal of advertisers. Complete recording facilities are available, and permanent lines to 2WL and 2HR are maintained. 2GB's Melbourne representatives are the Macquarie Network, whose offices are situated at 239 Collins Street, Melbourne.
In its 20 years of broadcasting, 2GB has always maintained a high quality of radio entertainment. More money, it is stated, is allocated to programme costs than in any other commercial radio station in Australia. 2GB has been responsible for many outstanding broadcasts. It will be remembered that the station secured a notable "scoop" in 1945 with the exclusive broadcasts through 2GB and the Macquarie Network of the celebrated Gracie Fields. In December, 1945, 2GB entered the sporting field for the first time and by arrangements with the Australian Jockey Club and the Australian Turf Club, is able to present racing descriptions from inside the Sydney Racecourses. The station has always played a leading part in charitable and general community welfare work. 2GB Happiness Club, conducted by Mrs. Stelzer, has a membership of over 19,000, and the 2GB Community Chest, conducted by Frank Grose ("Uncle Frank"), has been responsible for the allocation of many thousands of pounds to various charities. Sporting Staff: Cyril Angles (Sporting Editor), Charles Lawrence (Melbourne Races), Fred Tupper (Melb. Race Commentator), Ron Anwin (Country Races). Sporting Authorities: A. A Gainsford (Athletics), Lance Robinson (Rowing), R. C. Swinbourne (Cycling), J. Dillon (Surfing and Swimming), W. Bolger (Golf), Ray Stehr (Football), L. C. Hynes (Cricket and Tennis). H. G. HORNER: General Manager of Broadcasting Station 2GB Pty. Ltd.; Director Macquarie Broadcasting Services.
Educated King's College, Canterbury; took up farming in New Zealand at 18 years of age; studied accountancy; appointed accountant and assistant secretary to Sun Newspapers in 1923; commissioned by the board to investigate 2BL, and after re-organisation of the station remained as acting manager until 2FC and 2BL amalgamated; returned to Sun Newspapers as general secretary and manager of New South Wales Australian Broadcasting Co. Ltd. When the Australian Broadcasting Commission was formed, Mr. Horner was appointed New South Wales manager in control of 2FC, 2BL and country relay stations. In 1937 he accepted the position of general manager of Broadcasting Services Association Pty. Ltd., and Broadcasting Station 2GB Pty. Ltd.; later was appointed director of broadcasting of the Macquarie Network of Macquarie Broadcasting Services Pty. Ltd., on the formation of the company. Has been actively associated with many notable broadcasts, including the flight of Kingsford Smith, Charles Ulm and their companions in the "Southern Cross" over the Pacific Ocean ten years ago. "The Southern Seas Broadcast" in 1933, and prominent orchestral concerts and recitals, was instrumental in the formation of the Australian Broadcasting Commission Symphony Orchestra; and initiated many features of the Commission, such as the first grand opera seasons and importation of celebrity artists and conductors. Born Beckenham, Kent. Recreation: Golf, member of Lakes Golf Club.
MRS. W. J. STELZER: Has been with 2GB since 1927, and has the proud reputation of never having missed a session. She is head of Mrs. Stelzer's Happiness Club - a body whose membership numbers nearly 20,000, and which has earned scores of thousands of pounds for charities.
CLARK McKAY: Who conducts 2GB's Streamlined Breakfast Session, and who appears in a number of dramatic presentations, is one of Australia's youngest radio stars. He is a welcome guest at thousands of Sydney breakfast tables, and is noted for his cheery personality.
KEITH EADIE: Began his radio career in Brisbane, and had liberal experience of commercial broadcasting before he came to Sydney about a year and a half ago to take up duty with 2GB-Macquarie. Keith is in his middle twenties, and entered radio in 1940.
JAMES LAURIE: Is another popular personality of the 2GB announcing staff. He was engaged in broadcasting work in the Northern Rivers district before coming to 2GB, where he soon built up a large following. He is a prominent figure in the activities of the Macquarie Sporting Service. James is keenly interested in music and his morning session, "Your Hour of Music," is widely appreciated. PETER TATE: Is one of 2GB's senior announcers. Among his specialties is news reading, at which he is particularly adept. Peter is a well liked figure in the big 2GB evening audience. He is responsible for handling a large proportion of 2GB's night programme, and many featured sessions fall to his lot. One special example of Peter's popular appeal lay in his presentation of a particular feature, "Old Timers' Hit Parade."
JOHNNIE WALKER: Cheerful radio personality who enjoyed a great reputation at 2GB before his departure for service as an air radio operator in the R.A.A.F. He has regained his old following and more since he rejoined 2GB. Johnnie has a breezy way with him and his bright family quiz and swing programmes have proved popular with folk of all ages.
FRANK STURGE HARTY: A man of experience in many lands whose knowledge of the world and its peoples has played a noteworthy part in making him one of the best-loved personalities on the air. Frank Sturge Harty entered radio in 1933, and has built up a great following. His sympathetic handling of the problems of listeners, and the soundness of his reasoning and advice have evoked the interest of thousands, and much gratitude on the part of persons concerned. JOAN REED: Joan Reed's ascent in radio began when she sailed to England, and set out to build a career on a foundation of £3/10/-. She fought hard for success, and having earned it, has built on it ever since. She has been nine years in Australian radio.
FRANK GROSE: Better known as Uncle Frank to thousands of 2GB listeners, Mr. Grose may be fairly classified as one of the pioneers of radio, having made his first broadcast in 1925. Ever since then, he has been concerned with the 2GB Community Chest fund, and has organised some of the finest youth choir broadcasts heard in Australia. During the war years, he was recalled to duty as a welfare officer - a job he held in the 1st Div. Artillery in World War I.
PETER BARRY: As the Macquarie Roundsman Peter Barry has made radio history in a few short months with the interesting "on-the-spot" radio interviews heard in the Macquarie Newsreel. He served in World War II as war correspondent and observer for the A.B.C., the B.B.C., and the International News Service. He will be remembered for his graphic description of an actual bombing raid over Tokio.
2GB Sydney 'Key Station of the Macquarie Network', Broadcast Year Book and Radio Listeners' Annual of Australia 1946-47. Editor: C C Faulkner. © Ray Crawford Collection, Radio Heritage Foundation. Digital version of text, images and layout © Radio Heritage Foundation 2014.