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The Co-operative Global Radio Memories Project

The main website of the Radio Heritage Foundation is now

Most content on this legacy website is no longer actively maintained and may no longer be accurate or up-to-date. It is preserved on-line purely for historical interest as part of the Radio Heritage Foundation’s digital collection.

Partner With Us

If you're interested in radio, here's your chance to join and network with others of a like mind. A unique global network that will help you find solutions to problems, unlock your resources and help you build your business, service or radio heritage related project or volunteer group. You may also be the solution to someone else's problem!

Laef FM Read about some of our Radio Heritage Partners here and visit their web sites for more information.

You can also see the list of products, services and resources which we currently need here and if you can help us, we'll gladly add you to this growing list of Radio Heritage Partners.

Throughout the Pacific region and beyond, are a large number of people, groups, businesses, museums, archives, agencies and radio stations who support the story of Pacific radio and radio heritage issues. We're able to bring these scattered resources and energies together as a growing network of radio heritage partners.

Many of these partners have long established roles in Pacific radio, house valuable archives and collections of radio heritage related memorabilia either as specialists or as part of larger collections, are training contemporary radio personnel, or have a special interest in any number of radio heritage issues.

Many are individual enthusiasts and small recreation and hobby groups with limited resources and membership, others are multinational corporations or state agencies, universities, libraries, museums, collectors of vintage radios, old programs or technical equipment, or individual broadcasters, listeners and people in some way connected to radio in its various forms.

Through our radio heritage partner network, we provide one gathering place where resources, ideas and skills can be exchanged and new partnerships formed.

We especially recognize the family of business, agency and community partners who sponsor and support various projects and aspects of our operations. Please support them in return.

We're designing a package of services and products available to members, volunteers and radio heritage partners that builds on this global network. This is part of our key objective: bringing resources, people and radio heritage together. Look for more details in early 2005.

As a first step, all registered radio heritage partners can list specific projects or activities relating to radio heritage with us, promote them to our members and via this web site, and call for volunteers or other resources needed. Likewise, if you have resources, time, skills or funds that you can offer, we'll list and promote them for you.

Whether your projects are local, regional or global, you can also arrange them through us as project coordinator or project partner and we can help harness the energies, creativity and passion of this unique radio heritage network and open the door to our immense member base.

Simply contact us today.


Radio Heritage Foundation projects and activities connect radio, popular culture, history and heritage.

The charitable trust has been giving a voice to those involved in radio via our website since 2004 and will continue to do so.

We are inclusive of all visitors, regardless of race, color, sex, age, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression, or disability and aim to connect people of all ages and cultures who love radio

We welcome a sense of wonder from the joy of listening via radio, and from memories retold for the enjoyment of all generations.

We prefer to use environmentally sustainable goods and services where we can afford to, and we provide free community access worldwide to our collections, published research, preservation and promotion activities in a completely paper-free environment.

© Radio Heritage Foundation 2004 - 2024

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