001-1Foveuaux Radio refused presence at Ladies Day
001-2RNZ National Sales Appointments
001-3Radio chains to merge
002-1Rob Holding leaving
002-2Queenstown-based manager for Resort Radio
002-3Pirate radio station
002-4ITV still waiting for green light
002-5BBC wants relay station in NZ
002-6William F Earl - Research Archives
003-1Radio station out to put the record straight
003-2John N Dick - KKMC
003-3Sky TV gets frequency
003-4Murray Inglis shift
003-5Changes in the air at Resort Radio
003-6Radio prize
004-1Herald keen on buying into TV3
004-2Rights to new TV network undecided
004-3Community television starts today
004-4Temporary TV
004-5Foveaux Radio Advertising Consultant
005-1Broadcast move
005-2New announcer for Foveaux Radio
005-3TV3 network says it needs $12m
005-4Test transmissions by Sky
006-2Review of advt proposal
006-3Govt thwarts bid by TV3
006-4Free ads refusal
006-5TV3 or no TV3
007-1The Two Moronnies 91ZM
007-2Backdown on broadcasts
008-1Community access radio
008-2Radio Windy
008-399 FM Wellington
009-1Nationwide Radio Frequencies April 1990
009-2Student radio
009-3Winning waves
009-4From KIS to Lakeland
009-5ZMFM Wellington
010-1Maori radio
010-2From Aitutaki to Azerbaijan
010-3New man at KiS
010-4Force will not be used
011-1Era of Competition
012-013-1Honesty box airwaves
012-1Honesty box airwaves L
013-1Honesty box airwaves R
014-1Rapid rise to become station No 1
015-1Taupo listings
015-2Queenstown Information TV
015-3Mr Hunt wants broadcasting fee increased
015-4ATI Become a radio broadcaster
015-5Faults keep Radio NZ off air
016-1Radio Reshuffles
016-2Sky TVs new rival shocks officials
017-1TV3 will continue broadcasting
017-2So whos surprised
017-3Radio programmes
018-1Foveaux Radio
018-2Amateur bands offered air time
020-1TV3 share tumble brings out punters
020-2TVNZ might cut 100 staff
020-3Radio Pacific to shed staff
020-4TV3 to cover 84pc of NZ
020-5Caroline reaches New York finals
021-1Soviets drown RNZ
021-2Radio listings
021-3The Dynamo from Down Under
022-1Charisma Club
022-2Evangelist buys into TV3
023-1Business news TV
023-2DJ falls ill on air
023-3Television rivalry gets physical
023-4Sounds like a bit of Samoa
024-025-1The Sky With Limits
026-1Sky Subscriber Television
027-1Sky ads
028-1TVNZ acts on Frontline complaints
028-2TNVZ staff discuss tax
028-3Radio Otago bids for rest of Foveaux
028-4Call for cellular rights tenders
029-1Brian Edwards
029-2Radio NZ looking at franchising
030-1Radio Otago makes mop-up bid for Foveaux
030-2Pay your publlic broadcasting fee
030-3Sky Broadcast Engineers wanted
030-4Mana Maori Media
031-1Polytech radio returns to airwaves
031-2Alexandra to get FM radio station
032-1Pleasantly Genuine
032-2Radio frequencies up for tender
032-3Foveaux lifts profit 16pc
033-1Good Morning Everbody - Aunt Daisy
033-2Radio Otago turnaround
034-1Marae of Airwaves 1
035-1Marae of Airwaves 2
035-2Marae of Airwaves 3
035-3Marae of Airwaves 4
036-1James Daniels and Ken Ellis
037-1156 TVNZ staff made redundant
037-2Foveaux Radio best country music station
037-3CTV buys TVNZs production facilities
037-4Mounter called inept
037-5RNZ News Anchor wanted
038-1The rise and fall of TV3 1
039-1The rise and fall of TV3 2
040-1The rise and fall of TV3 3
041-1The rise and fall of TV3 4
042-1The rise and fall of TV3 5
043-1The rise and fall of TV3 6
044-1The rise and fall of TV3 7
045-1New Zealand television 30 years old today
045-2Kiwi country
045-3Chas Drader 92 FM
045-3RNZI programmes
045-4Money needed for Radio Rhemas new transmitter
046-1Air time over for students
047-1Alexandra FM radio drawing listeners
047-2Maori tests
047-3Disc jockeys conduct found to be unethical
047-4TV equipment on Remarkables
047-5TV3 tie hits Radio Pac
048-049-1Radio High
048-1Radio High 1
049-1Radio High 2
049-2Broadcasting Complaints Procedure
050-1Frequency move puts radio stations in doubt
051-1Announcer appointed Lee Hanna
051-2Broadcaster retires Merv Smith
051-3Jobs go as radio stations merge in Chch
051-4Listening Post
052-053-055-1ONE NZ programmes
052-1ONE NZ programmes 1
053-1ONE NZ programmes 2
054-1Queenstown TV slots allotted
054-2Radio Pacific Waikato
055-1ONE NZ programmes 3
056-191 FM office reception
056-2Radio Marlborough 1539
057-1Foveaux acceptances
057-2Radiation cut ordered
057-3Radio tender to go ahead
057-4Replay Radio
058-1TVNZs UHF bid splits Commerce Commission
058-2TV3 repeater allowed
059-1Tom Scott NZ Quota
059-2Sherry eyes board
059-3RNZ staff might take action
059-4Maori Council critical of Iwi TV plan
060-1Maori dispute airwaves sales
060-2NZ On Air - Air your views
060-3DJs marathon may not be NZ record
061-1Fondness For Radio
062-1Maori airwaves claim
062-2Plains FM manager
062-3Prime TV channel puts back launch
062-4New RNZ appointment
062-5Pacific chairman resolute
062-6TV3 licence revaluation
062-7Private radio possible - Hunt
062-8Radio LX-90 FM
063-1Radio fequencies for tender
063-2NZ On Air
063-3Radio Rhema 1404AM
063-4Queenstown now has two FM stations
063-5Tom Scott - Jonathan Hunt Godfather of the House
064-1Sky here late 1991
064-2Radio Marlborough 1539
065-1On The Beam
065-2Race broadcast deal by TAB and Pacific
066-1Radio Wanaka set to go to air
066-2DFC, TV3 burdens for Radio Pacific
066-3Radio Otago to mop up last Foveaux shares
067-1Arthur Cushen listening in to history being made
068-1Make the Switch ZBFM
068-2Tune Into 1224 Foveaux Radio
068-3'Cornflakes King' retires
069-1Cartoon - Uncertain future for racing broadcasts in the south
069-2Election broadcasts
069-3Radio fare
069-4Impasse on radio racing coverage
070-071-1Thanks for the memories
072-1Application made to put up aerial
072-2Moore chooses private radio
072-3Radio waves busy
072-4Radio hearing delayed
073-1The big switch to 4XO 97.4
073-2New Otago TV channel scheduled for April
073-3TV3 receiver confident channel will survive
074-1Talk-back announcers - Leighton Smith
075-1Make the Switch ZBFM
076-077-1Combining the Classics
078-079-1Everybody's Talking
080-191ZM $50000
081-191ZM Cash Card
082-1They're Racing. Hear here
082-2Radio Pacific accepts TAB move
083-1Test on radio
083-2Maggie Barry - Radio New Zealand
084-1Collins re-enters broadcasting industry
084-293FM Pull up to my bumper baby
085-1Listeners upset by reception loss after AM to FM switch
085-2Names of Canterbury TV backers stay secret
085-3Maori tribal radio stations receive $352,666
085-4Pregnancy race starts
085-5Book review - Arthur Cushen's Radio Listeners Guide
086-1Radio Otago interim up 17pc
086-2Airwaves talks hopes
086-3Angry fans return records
086-4Pacific caller for Wairio
086-5Children tune into Radio Active
087-1Hear is the News
088-1TV3 assets might not fetch book values
088-2Maori radio claims being heard
089-1Will BUZZ OFF mean SWITCH OFF
090-1TV3. Thirst Quenching
091-1Successful debut for Kingston station
091-2Crown loses bid to free up frequencies
091-3TVNZ scrapping regional news programmes
092-1Radio manager heads north tomorrow
092-2Radio NZ posts $4m profit
092-3Maori Council speaks out on radio frequencies
093-1Aotearoa National Maori Radio
093-2Irirangi Aotearoa
094-191ZM Christchurch 1991 calendar
094-2Lightning cuts TV, radio programmes
095-1Market shares
096-193FM Cheque Mate
096-2Satellite radio near
096-3TV3 cannot afford listing
097-1Radio Rhema offers expanded service
097-2Concert Programme FM Stereo 90.0 MHz
097-3Crossfire FM
098-1Half-million-dollar FM right sold for $159
098-2Up on the Air
098-3Principality on air
098-491FM Cheerleaders
099-1Broadcasting fee
100-1NZ On Air allocates $22.8 million
100-2Radio stations close the ratings gap
100-3Radio for Ranfurly
101-1Advertise on 4ZA
102-1Making waves for radio
102-2Radio waves
102-3NZ On Air axes 'Video Dispatch'
102-4Gov't introduces broadcasting bill
102-5TV on Ice
103-1Marty Smith
103-2Central Otago logos
103-3Radio Central logo
103-4Pete McKinlay on Crossfire FM
103-5Resort Radio logo
104-1Concert Programme wait almost over
104-2Ranfurly on air
104-3Rhema map
105-1Gov't sale of radio frequences to proceed
105-2Gov't urged to keep TV and radio in NZ hands
107-1Foveaux Radio says thanks
107-2NZ On Air
108-1A turning point for broadcasting
108-2TV Viewer on sale tomorrow
108-3Rhema map
109-1Successful radio tenders announced
109-2TV3 shares suspended
109-3Radio Wanaka on air again
110-1Resort Radio Wanaka schedule
110-2Resort Radio 99FM schedule
111-1Radio Central schedule
112-1Southern Skies cover
112-2Southern Skies index
112-3Our International Voice
113-1Our International Voice
114-1Our International Voice
115-1Our International Voice
116-1Our International Voice
116-2Too many Chengs
117-1Last barrier removed
117-2New radio station for Wellington
118-1Waves of Change
119-1Waves of Change
120-1Radio Days
120-2Concert Programme
121-1Radio Days