From David's Desk
March 23 2006
ANZAC 2006 Salute - Diggers On Air
Geoffrey Norton reads the news at 9PA Port Moresby [AAAS/AFRS]
© Australian War Memorial.
It's some 60 years ago now that Australian diggers had their own
radio stations across Papua New Guinea, Borneo, the Dutch East Indies
and in the Kure area of Japan.
Our ANZAC Day [April 25 2006] salute to these broadcasts can be found
in our new introductory guide to these stations and their staff,
along with rare photos and memorabilia.
Detailed research projects are planned for these stations, and the
people who worked at them. Reader contributions of memories,
memorabilia and anything else about them are warmly welcomed.
Pacific Asian Log (PAL) Shortwave
Shortwave radio is 'alive and well' in the Pacific-Asia region, and
over 1600 shortwave frequencies are listed in the newly available PAL
Shortwave Guide.
In response to increasing demand for this information, Bruce Portzer
has taken the successful formula of his PAL Mediumwave Guide, and
produced this new guide which can now be searched on-line.
China recently commissioned 100 new SW transmitters, Australia, New
Zealand and the Solomon Islands have installed new DRM SW
transmitters and the region is enjoying a mild resurgence as SW
services receive more attention from a number of broadcasters.
2AY Albury & 4BU Bundaberg
Images have been added to the stories from Broadcast Year Book and Radio Listeners' Annual of Australia 1946-47 for 2AY Albury and 4BU Bundaberg.
Column: Reminiscing with a Radio
Shows & Boats. Australia Gets Radio
Adrian Peterson
The war was over, troops were returning home, families were re-uniting, difficult restrictions were progressively lifted, and technological development for peaceful purposes was resumed. This was the scene in Australia, and in many other countries also, at the beginning of the era when the development of radio broadcasting in the home countries began to escalate.
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4BU Bundaberg Broadcasters
In December, 1935, Bundaberg residents formed Bundaberg Broadcasters Pty. Ltd. for the purpose of operating 4BU.
Commencing with seven advertisers, 4BU has grown into a first-class entertainment unit with 140 advertisers (75 national and 65 local), servicing 46,500 listeners in its immediate entertainment range.
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2AY Albury
The Border Station
2AY Albury is owned and operated by Amalgamated Wireless (Australasia) Limited. The station was opened on December 17, 1930, and transmits on a Wave Length of 202.7 metres and a frequency of 1480 K.C.'s. The power is 200 watts.
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Pago Pago - The Tall Tower Tour
Photos by: David B Musick
David Musick at Musick Point Memorial Radio Station,
Auckland, New Zealand.
It's not often we see some Pacific towers, but you'll enjoy
this series of photos taken recently at Pago Pago, American Samoa.
The KVZK-TV tower has been a landmark since the 1970's, and the
'batwing's help push 145kW of signal out across the islands.
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KODK Kodiak AFRS Radio 1941
by Joe Stevens
The original KODK studio building in 1984.
© Wayne Colman Collection, Kodiak Military History Museum
Kodiak is credited with being the first armed forces radio station. This is correct if you qualify it by saying that it was the first to go on the air and STAY on the air. There were also significant pioneering efforts in Sitka, Alaska, in Panama, Hawaii, and the Philipines. Noteworty also was KGEI in San Francisco Bay which was instrumental in direct short-wave broadcasts to the Philipines where Americans re-broadcast the signal locally.
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Silent Mike: Radio Australia's Keith Glover
Keith Glover, Radio Australia
© Radio Heritage Foundation |
Listener's Mail, Radio Australia 25th Anniversary 1964.
© Cleve Costello Collection, Radio Heritage Foundation.
Shortwave radio listeners around the world between 1955-1980 heard
the 'Friendly Voice' of Keith Glover answering their many questions
on his popular 'Listener's Mailbag' program over Radio Australia.
Keith began his radio career in Queensland in 1947.
He was also heard on the domestic ABC service with news, sports and
special events, and seen on ABV2-TV Melbourne. Keith presented 'Sound
Magazine' for the blind in Victoria for 20 years and received the
Medal in the Order of Australia for community services.
A 'Constant Companion' for many years, Keith Glover sadly passed
away, Feb 3 2006.
Column: Pacific Perspectives
Media Consolidation in New Zealand
by Aaron Skudder
Is George Orwell's vision of the future in his book 1984 slowly becoming a reality in New Zealand? With a small number of news outlets i.e. 'the
ministry of truth' churning out propaganda for the masses?
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Radio Chomsky logo |
New Radio Heritage Partner
Historical Radio Society of Australia logo. |
The Historical Radio Society of Australia brings together hundreds of
enthusiasts from across Australia who enjoy restoring vintage radio
sets, tinkering with radio equipment, collecting old radio
technology, and helping research and preserve many aspects of
Australia's radio heritage. We recommend them and their quarterly
magazine to anyone interested in the more technical aspects of early
Australian radio broadcasting.
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