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The Co-operative Global Radio Memories Project

The main website of the Radio Heritage Foundation is now

Most content on this legacy website is no longer actively maintained and may no longer be accurate or up-to-date. It is preserved on-line purely for historical interest as part of the Radio Heritage Foundation’s digital collection.

Volunteer Time/Skills

Volunteer Vacancies
About Volunteering
Code of Practice for Volunteers
Radio Heritage Foundation Volunteer Code of Practice

Volunteer Vacancies

Regional Advisory Groups

Join the team today!

Through 2013 and 2014, join us and help plan the growth of the project as it expands into new parts of the world! Join one of these Regional Advisory Groups and be a key part of the Co-operative Global Radio Memories Project.

Starts April 1 2013 for 4 months

Canada RAG

Starts May 1 2013 for 4 months

Africa RAG

Starts June 1 2013 for 4 months

Caribbean RAG

Starts August 1 2013 for 4 months

Asia RAG [ASEAN, North Asia excluding China & Japan], India RAG, Central America & Mexico RAG, South America RAG

Starts December 1 2013 for 4 months

UK RAG, South Asia RAG [excluding India], Middle East RAG

Starts March 1 2014 for 4 months

China RAG [including Hong Kong & Macau], Japan RAG, Russia & former USSR RAG

What will a Regional Advisory Group do?

  • Help plan the introduction of new content of practical use and popular interest
  • Balance the interests of visitors from the region, those with a connection or interest in the region, and a general global audience
  • Help plan content that helps meet visitor targets where these have been set for the region
  • Identify resources and possible content [writing, audio, image] sources
  • Involve just 3-4 volunteers including a team leader
  • Complete sensible and workable recommendations within 4 months from starting
  • Must work independently from home or office anywhere in the world

What kinds of people are needed?

  • Must be interested in and enthusiastic about global radio
  • Must have access to their own computer
  • Must have very good English language writing and comprehension skills
  • Must be prepared to work collaboratively with others from different cultures
  • Must be able to set their own work timetables and allocate their own time
  • Must be prepared to volunteer time they consider needed during the 4 months

What do volunteers get?

  • A unique opportunity to help grow a global volunteer non-profit project
  • Experience working with a multi-cultural and multi-national team
  • On-line acknowledgement as a member of their RAG
  • On-line acknowledgement as a supporter at the Friend Gold level
  • Possible ongoing involvement with the project after 4 months ONLY if they have the time, interest and inclination to do so. There is no obligation to remain involved.
  • Free ‘thank you’ gift on acceptance of your RAG report within the 4 month timeframe.

Sounds interesting. What do I do next?

  • Email us of your interest TODAY
  • Tell us something about yourself in 25 words or less
  • Tell us the name of the RAG you’re interested in joining


  • Is this paid work?
    No, you’re offering your time and skills as an unpaid volunteer
  • Do I get reimbursed money I spend?
    No, you should have no expenses, and we will not reimburse any money you might choose to spend
  • How many hours each week is involved?
    This is entirely up to you, and should fit within your own work, family and any other responsibilities and interests
  • How should we produce the final report?
    This is entirely up to you, but we suggest the final report should be no more than about 2 or 3 pages, and be sent as a Word document or similar [PDF is OK] which the entire RAG has contributed to and takes responsibility for
  • Can we make promises, commitments or suggestions to other people on behalf of the Radio Heritage Foundation?
    No, your role is purely advisory and you have no other authority from us
  • Can we tell other people we are members of our RAG?
    Yes, we recommend you let as many friends and colleagues know as possible and encourage them to give you ideas, recommendations and information to help you

Thank you. We look forward to welcoming you to the Radio Heritage Volunteer Team in 2013 & 2014! You’ll have a lot of fun and a great global experience!



About Volunteering

Firm FM

Wherever you live in the world, you can become personally involved with this global project, right now.

As a charitable trust (non-profit organization) volunteers are our heart and soul. Your involvement may mean the success of any number of our projects. Your time, skills, experience and enthusiasm will make a difference.

We currently have no bricks and mortar presence, and this allows us to focus our energies and resources on sharing the stories of global radio right from the start. It also means we welcome volunteers from anywhere in the world who can contribute both on-line and, in some cases, even in their own location.

All volunteers agree to our Code of Practice for Volunteers and should read the Radio Heritage Foundation Volunteer Code of Practice which sets out our obligations towards volunteers.

We also support The Universal Declaration on Volunteering adopted by the International Association for Volunteer Effort (IAVE) at Amsterdam, The Netherlands in January 2001 and as accepted by the United Nations.

Being a volunteer confers no voting or other rights within the Radio Heritage Foundation which reserves the right to accept or remove volunteers at its sole discretion.


Code of Practice for Volunteers

To promote excellence in service and maximize the quality of my experience as a volunteer, I will:
  • Recognize my own motives for being a volunteer and ensure the organization is aware of these
  • Seek work opportunities appropriate to my skills, interests and aspirations
  • Be committed to give high quality service
  • Consider opportunities for job training and personal development
  • Carry out all work I agree to do responsibly and ethically
  • Speak out about any concerns that might affect my work relationships or quality of service
  • See myself as a valued team member with the right to contribute to decisions which affect my work
  • Value and support other team members

This code is issued by VolunteerNow, a non-profit organization registered in New Zealand.



Radio Heritage Foundation Volunteer Code of Practice

To promote excellence in service and maximize the quality of volunteers' experience, the Radio Heritage Foundation will:

  • Empower our volunteers to meet their own and our needs
  • Offer volunteers work opportunities appropriate to their skills, experience and aspirations
  • Provide volunteers with clear duty statements and orientation to their work and us
  • Offer appropriate training and support for volunteers to achieve personal and work goals
  • Implement procedures to safeguard volunteer safety and well being
  • Offer reimbursement to cover authorized out-of-pocket expenses as our resources allow
  • Recognize volunteers as valued team members with opportunities to participate in relevant decisions
  • Provide mechanisms to acknowledge contributions made by volunteers

Adapted from VolunteerNow, a non-profit organization registered in New Zealand.


Radio Heritage Foundation projects and activities connect radio, popular culture, history and heritage.

The charitable trust has been giving a voice to those involved in radio via our website since 2004 and will continue to do so.

We are inclusive of all visitors, regardless of race, color, sex, age, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression, or disability and aim to connect people of all ages and cultures who love radio

We welcome a sense of wonder from the joy of listening via radio, and from memories retold for the enjoyment of all generations.

We prefer to use environmentally sustainable goods and services where we can afford to, and we provide free community access worldwide to our collections, published research, preservation and promotion activities in a completely paper-free environment.

© Radio Heritage Foundation 2004 - 2024

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