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Early Australian AM Radio

image of Ernest Fisk

Ernest Fisk, Managing Director of AWA
from 'Wireless Handbook' 1924.
© Ray Crawford Collection

This listing of early Australian AM radio stations and their owners has been drawn from material supplied by Bruce Carty of Radio Yesteryear Inc to provide an introduction to the first decade of broadcasting in Australia.

To be included in this list, the experimental station [or amateur license] must have broadcast during the 1920's, on a medium wave [AM] or long wave [LW] frequency which could be heard on domestic radio receivers, and must have broadcast speech and music programs for entertainment.

Radio amateurs operated most of the stations during this period. Commercial licenses began to appear in 1924 but were still very few and far between during this first decade. Many familiar radio stations had still to make an appearance along the dial as 1929 closed.

image of Basil Cooke

Basil Cooke, Perth radio experimenter in 1904
from 'Wireless Handbook' 1924.
© Ray Crawford Collection

You can help us to tell the stories of these heritage broadcasters in our on-line archive.

Write and tell us any information you may have about any of these stations and the people involved. Send us photos of people, studios, equipment and anything else relevant. Copies of QSL [listener confirmation cards] or other items with station call signs, logos and artwork. Old magazine and newspaper articles. Let us know where heritage memorabilia may be stored.

Your piece of information may complete the picture. Contact us today.

Your gift of funds for research and building the on-line archive will help protect, preserve and promote the stories of these pioneer Australian broadcasters. Visit The Emporium Radio Heritage Store © to make your gift now.

New South Wales
image of 2-FC Ad

2-FC Ad
from 'Wireless Handbook' 1924.
© Ray Crawford Collection

Early Days 1890-1919 and Golden Age 1920 - 1939

Part 1 1890 - 1929
Part 2 1930 - 1939

image of VK5SL QSL

5SL Adelaide 'Jacko the Kookaburra' QSL card.
© Eric Shackle Collection.

Golden Age 1920 - 1939

Part 1 1920 - 1929
Part 2 1930 - 1939

image of 4PK QSL

4PK Ipswich 'Big Band' QSL card.
© Eric Shackle Collection.

Golden Age 1920 - 1939

Part 1 1920 - 1929
Part 2 1930 - 1939

South Australia
Golden Age 1920 - 1939

Part 1 1920 - 1929
Part 2 1930 - 1939
image of Crystal set ad

Crystal set ad from David Jones Store, 1924
from 'Wireless Handbook' 1924.
© Ray Crawford Collection

Western Australia
Golden Age 1920 - 1939

Part 1 1920 - 1929
Part 2 1930 - 1939

Tasmania Golden
Age 1920 - 1939

Part 1 1920 - 1929
Part 2 1930 - 1939

  1. These lists are based on material originally compiled © Bruce Carty, Radio Yesteryear Inc, 2 Karoom Street, Kariong NSW 2250, Australia and published with permission.
    All care has been taken to ensure accuracy, however, no responsibility is accepted for any errors. Stations are listed in known order of first broadcast. A list of references from which the original list has been compiled is available on request.
  2. Additional material from other sources has been and will be included from time to time and is © Radio Heritage Foundation.
  3. All illustrations and images are © Radio Heritage Foundation and the individual collections named in captions accompanying them.
  4. Digitized version of text and layout is © Radio Heritage Foundation.


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