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2MW Murwillumbah
'The Voice of the Far North Coast'

2MW, owned and operated by the Tweed Radio & Broadcasting Coy. Pty. Ltd., has come a long way since the pre-war days of 37, 38 and 39.

2MW listener card c1950

2MW Murwillumbah sent this card to a New Zealand listener around 1949 © Cleve Costello Collection, Radio Heritage Foundation

Owing allegiance to no network, 2MW takes pride in being an independent unit in one of the richest districts in Australia. Indicative of 2MW’s popularity and goodwill are the following sponsored hours:

Women’s Session: 34 ¼ hours, 3 ½ hours, 3 1 hour.
Night programme: 41 ¼ hours, 8 ½ hours, 2 ¾ hours, 3 1 hours.

Guided by BILL DIAMOND in the managerial chair, 2MW has a programme, a staff of announcers and an organisation considered the equal of any country station in Australia. Twelve years in Commercial Radio has enabled Mr. W. G. Diamond to keep his finger on the public pulse and be is fully appreciative of entertainment values, likes and dislikes. After four years with the R.A.A.F. Mr. Diamond finds the experience of rehabilitating himself exhilarating.

Murwillumbah in 1948

Murwillumbah in 1948 © National Library of Australia

On occasions of national importance, national or local emergency and special events, 2MW has stayed on the air many times for 24 hours of the day simply to render district service.

JOYCE JAMES, 2MW Women’s Announcer, is a recent arrival and has quickly established herself in the favour of the listeners. Possessor of a mezzo-soprano voice, Joyce has competed successfully in Queensland Eisteddfodau at Brisbane, Ipswich and Toowoomba. Her hobby is music and singing.

KEITH O. McCLELLAND: Chief Announcer and Feature Writer. He came from Sydney through various Queensland Stations, and 2LM Lismore. Narrates stories with an unexcelled touch; is first-class as a copywriter, and has handled all sessions on the air. Stamp collecting is his insatiable hobby.

FRIEL SMITH is the youngest of the 2MW announcing team with a fresh approach to a Breakfast Session. Friel is one of those rare people who can talk classics as well as the personnel of every swing band on disc. With a very polished style for a newcomer, Friel is the newsreader on the Station. He also handles capably his own Saturday Night Show – “Time out for Rhythm.”

RON TIMBS, ex-R.A.A.F. has given up flying Hurricanes in England and has joined 2MW. Ron possesses a quiet Baritone Voice and is the general utility man, taking his place with equal facility in copy, announcing or programme departments.

As variety is the keynote of an efficient broadcast station, these voices are also heard over 2MW: Reg. Aked, Frank Anderson, Nell McArdle, Kevin Buttenshaw and Earl King.

With an excellent line of features and a popular microphone team, 2MW confidently claims the title - THE VOICE OF THE FAR NORTH COAST; THE STATION MOST PEOPLE LISTEN TO MOST.

Australian Radio History

Now available as a free eBook!

2MW Murwillumbah 'The Voice of the Far North Coast', Broadcast Year Book and Radio Listeners' Annual of Australia 1946-47.
Editor: C C Faulkner.
© Ray Crawford Collection, Radio Heritage Foundation.

Digital version of text, images and layout © Radio Heritage Foundation 2011.

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I'm embarrassed to be here. I'm waiting for the state radio sponsor to arrive. He's late. Please just ask me to go away. I'm cheap.


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