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7AD & 7BU
Northern Tasmania


Covering all the North West of Tasmania, these two popular stations operate under one management. They provide a continuous day-time, and a dual night-time transmission.

The principal towns served are Deloraine, Latrobe, Devonport, Ulverstone, Penguin, Burnie, Wynyard, Smithton and Stanley. Primary producers in the adjacent country are specially catered for, and the control of primary produce delivery is part of these stations’ activities.

Several important factories operate in the district served including the Ovaltine Factory, Pulp and Paper Mills, Canning Factories, Dehydration Plants, Foundries and Railway workshops.

Station 7BU’s Sunpolishers’ Club now has a membership of more than 11,000 and the Koala Club at 7AD is expanding rapidly throughout its territory.

7AD Devonport logo detail

7AD Devonport logo detail
© Keith Robinson Collection, Radio Heritage Foundation

During the war years thousands of pounds passed through the Charity Trust Accounts for the Red Cross, Prisoners of War, Australian Comforts Fund, Spitfire and other causes. 7AD has recently been responsible for the raising of over £4,000 for the R.S.L., and 7BU raised over £1,000 in fourteen days during November, 1945, for the Society for the Care of Crippled Children.

These two stations broadcast all the principal National features; they provide a comprehensive local, national and international News Service.

7AD Devonport logo detail

7BU Burnie letterhead
© Cleve Costello Collection, Radio Heritage Foundation

ARTHUR D. TOWNER is the general manager of both 7BU and 7AD. On the announcing staffs are MISS RAE CROSS and MISS JOAN HARRINGTON, STUART FIELD, JOHN FORD and TED MAYS. The chief Engineer, TASMAN LORD, and assistant engineer W. (BILL) IRWIN are also popular announcers. Others on the administrative and engineering staffs are MISS IRIS FOSTER, engineers JIM TRETHEWIE, and JIM WILSON, also MISS MARGARET COUNSEL and JOHN BARNES.


MONDAY TO FRIDAY: - 7BU 6.30 to 11.30 a.m. 7AD 11.30 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. 7BU and 7AD 5.30 to 10.30 p.m.
SATURDAYS: - 7BU 6.30 to 8.30 a.m. 7AD 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. 7BU 2.00 to 10.30 p.m. 7AD 5.00 to 10.30 p.m.
SUNDAYS - 7BU 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. 7AD 1.00 to 4.00 p.m. 7BU 4.00 to 10.30 p.m. 7AD 5.00 to 10.30 p.m.

A. P. FINDLAY (Chairman)

A P Findlay, 7AD & 7BU Chairman
© Radio Heritage Foundation Collection

Both stations are units of the Tasmanian Coastal Network, comprising 7BU, 7AD, 7QT and 7DY, and associate stations of the Macquarie Broadcasting Network.

Directors of 7AD are A. P. FINDLAY (Chairman), L. B. HARRIS and T. ROOM. Directors of 7BU are A. P. FINDLAY (Chairman), K. A. FINDLAY, and A. D. TOWNER.

Australian Radio History

Now available as a free eBook!

7AD & 7BU Northern Tasmania, Broadcast Year Book and Radio Listeners' Annual of Australia 1946-47.
Editor: C C Faulkner.
© Ray Crawford Collection, Radio Heritage Foundation.

Digital version of text, images and layout © Radio Heritage Foundation 2011.

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I'm embarrassed to be here. I'm waiting for the state radio sponsor to arrive. He's late. Please just ask me to go away. I'm cheap.


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