Christchurch Earthquake 2011
A devastating earthquake hit Christchurch [New Zealand] on February
22 2011. Radio services to the metropolitan area have been disrupted
with many studios damaged and inaccessible.
A complete list of current AM and FM radio services in Christchurch
can be downloaded here as a Word doco
(or here as a PDF file) plus notes about their current
NEW We've got a fully self-equipped mobile radio
studio on standby ready to roll into Christchurch to begin local
community broadcasts in the eastern suburbs... complete with
generator, telephone exchange, music library, transmitter, antenna,
all studio gear, and Classic Gold Radio owner Chris Diack......
HELP US BRING RADIO BACK TO THE BEACH NOW.... listen to Radio Heritage
Foundation's David Ricquish live on Classic Gold Radio.
Please donate what you can to cover the costs of getting the mobile
studio from Invercargill to Christchurch, on the air, and bringing
vital local community information, news, and great music to New
Brighton and the shattered eastern suburbs.
Sponsor 1 hour for $25, 2 hours $50, 3 hours $75, 4 hours $100.
Interim plans are to keep the station on the air in some way as long
as funding allows. Classic Gold Radio are donating use of the mobile
studio and time. Thank you very much for your kind donation! We issue
tax deductible receipts for every donation so remember to tell us
your name and address!'
NZ residents can make a direct bank credit to 03-1790-0106663-00 code
RNBFM and email us their name and address so we can issue a tax
In Lyttelton, local LPFM Volcano Radio is helping bring the community
together, accurate reports and providing a vital service. In the
eastern suburbs, all existing four LPFM stations are destroyed or
damaged and our mobile studio will take the pressure of struggling
Your donations over NZ$5 are fully tax deductible..please help us
bring community radio back to the beach in the crucial coming days.
Good news... we have had the original 3ZB studio building inspected
and it has had no damage. It was built to withstand machinegun attack
and close aerial bombing and has survived the killer earthquake
unscathed. This will make a great home for housing 3ZB memorabilia
and a permanent local LPFM community radio station to serve in the
months and years of rebuilding Christchurch that lie ahead.......
Helping Rebuild Christchurch.. Please Donate Now
NZ residents can make a direct bank credit to 03-1790-0106663-00 code
RNBFM and email us their name and address so we can issue a tax
In addition, a media release about the status of local Low Power FM
radio services, particularly in the badly hit eastern suburbs gives
more information about these neighborhood stations.
A copy of the media release is available and also from our media release page.
We had just launched our Helping Rebuild Christchurch project
centered on restoration of the original 3ZB transmitter and studio
building in New Brighton plus setting up a local LPFM radio station
in the building for local community programs.
We are more determined than ever to proceed with this project which
will give the eastern suburbs a local radio station for emergencies
such as this recent earthquake and showcase the story of 3ZB, which
served the city with news and welfare programs during WWII from this
Please donate to support this project and others forming part of the
Kiwi Radio Campaign and our ongoing operational costs to make this
project happen. Thank you for helping rebuild Christchurch.
NZ residents can make a direct bank credit to 03-1790-0106663-00 code
RNBFM and email us their name and address so we can issue a tax