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2BH - Broken Hill
"The Voice of the Western Darling"

2BH, "The Barrier Miner" Broadcasting Service is the only station giving coverage to Broken Hill and West Darling districts under all transmitting conditions.
image of 2BH - The Voice of the Western Darling

2BH - "The Voice of the Western Darling"

Associated with 2BH is the Smilers' Club with close to 3,000 members, mostly under 16 years of age. Artists are chosen from members and with locally and nationally sponsored quiz sessions and community singing, an enjoyable afternoon is spent at a local theatre weekly; one hour of the entertainment being broadcast from 2BH.

Arthur Harvey, a well-known identity has been President since the inception of the club over eight years ago. J. W. Prider (Uncle Jack) is an energetic leader, and Mrs. J. W. Prider (Aunty Ruby) the Club's popular pianiste.

JOHN W. PRIDER, Manager, has been at 2BH since 1941; was educated at Prince Alfred College and migrated from 5DN Adelaide, to his present position. Under his guidance "The Voice of the Western Darling" has achieved its existing status. Mr. Prider considers the variety of entertainment equal to any in Australia. He was instrumental in organising radio rallies connected with War Loans; eight having raised £160,000 in 36 hours.

BRIAN R. GROSVENOR was in the forces in Australia for two years. Since his release in 1944 he has settled down in his announcing and revels in directing, choosing and scripting musical programmes.

JOHN R. MERRITT was rejected for military service. He has proved his value as an announcer and in supervising the receiving and despatching of the majority of 50-odd 2BH features.

MRS. J. W. PRIDER is "Dorothy" to thousands of women, as she conducts their session. She has a charming personality and a winning smile; loves her work both on the air and as Aunty Ruby in the Smilers' Club. She encourages many of the 3,000 members to make their first appearance before the public.

BARBARA GROVES (Manager's Secretary), recently out of her "teens" has one of the longest records of services in the Silver City Radio Station. She has grown up in radio and is a great help in all departments.

LEW SCHAUMLOFFEL as Chief Engineer is conscientious energetic and thorough in his work Believes in the slogan "Let's finish the job."

COLIN CARTER, second engineer, has the necessary powers of concentration to make good. He is a "local lad'' who has advanced with the meteoric rise of radio.

2BH has always done everything to bring satisfaction to listeners and sponsors.
image of 2BH QSL

2BH issued this listener card early in 1935
© Eric Shackle Collection, Radio Heritage Foundation

Directors: C. J. Morley (Managing Director), A. C. R. Hay (Resident Director), J. Stanley Murray (Chairman of Directors). Executive: J. W. Prider (Manager), R. B. Taylor (Secretary), C. T. M. Reuter (Sales Representative). Production and Announcing: B. R. Grosvenor (Announcer and Programme Director), J. R. Merritt (Announcer and Despatch Dept.), Mrs. J. W. Prider (Announcer "Dorothy"). Technical: J. L. Schaumloffel (Chief Engineer), C. M. Carter (Second Engineer).

Transmission Hours: (Morning) Monday to Friday: 7 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.; Saturday: 7 a.m. to 10 a.m.; Sunday 11.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.

(Evening), Mon., Tues., Thurs., Friday and Saturday: 5.30 p.m. to 11.00 p.m.; Wednesday: 5 p.m. to 11.00 p.m.; Sunday, 5.30 p.m. to 10.3.0 p.m.

Australian Radio History

Now available as a free eBook!

2BH - Broken Hill - "The Voice of the Western Darling",' Broadcast Year Book and Radio Listeners' Annual of Australia 1946-47.
Editor: C C Faulkner.
© Ray Crawford Collection, Radio Heritage Foundation.

Digital version of text, images and layout © Radio Heritage Foundation 2009.

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I'm embarrassed to be here. I'm waiting for the state radio sponsor to arrive. He's late. Please just ask me to go away. I'm cheap.


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