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The Co-operative Global Radio Memories Project

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Most content on this legacy website is no longer actively maintained and may no longer be accurate or up-to-date. It is preserved on-line purely for historical interest as part of the Radio Heritage Foundation’s digital collection.

On-air Promos

Looking for a simple way to help promote the Radio Heritage Foundation and support our programs?

These public service announcements, voice drops or short promotional fillers are freely available to download and use on your radio station. You can see the text and length of each voice drop and choose whichever best fits your station format or audience.

Series A - American accent

#1   00:11

"Keeping our cultural heritage safe for tomorrow needs your action now. Please visit and donate today. Thank you, for helping keep the radio memories alive."

#2   00:11

"Enjoy listening to radio? Keeping today's memories safe for tomorrow is a real challenge. Please visit and donate today. Thank you, for helping keep the radio memories alive."

#3   00:13

"Why do we need to keep today's memories safe for tomorrow? Because we must never forget. Please visit and donate today. Thank you, for helping keep the radio memories alive."

#4   00:14

"It's good to remember the joy that radio gives us. Support those working hard to protect our heritage for tomorrow. Please visit and donate today. Thank you, for helping keep the radio memories alive."

These promos have been gifted by Ed, one of our large number of US based supporters and who otherwise wishes to remain anonymous. However, he's been in the radio business many years, and listeners to American Forces Radio Network stations as far afield as Germany and Korea, or stationed in Washington DC may recognize his voice! Stay tuned for more.


Radio Heritage Foundation projects and activities connect radio, popular culture, history and heritage.

The charitable trust has been giving a voice to those involved in radio via our website since 2004 and will continue to do so.

We are inclusive of all visitors, regardless of race, color, sex, age, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression, or disability and aim to connect people of all ages and cultures who love radio

We welcome a sense of wonder from the joy of listening via radio, and from memories retold for the enjoyment of all generations.

We prefer to use environmentally sustainable goods and services where we can afford to, and we provide free community access worldwide to our collections, published research, preservation and promotion activities in a completely paper-free environment.

© Radio Heritage Foundation 2004 - 2024

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