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The New Zealand Radio Guide
More FM

LocationBroadcasting fromFrequency
AshburtonSurrey Hills94.9 MHz
 Electricity Ashburton98.9 MHz
AucklandSkytower91.8 MHz
Banks PeninsulaMt Pearce, Akaroa-Duvauchelle99.1 MHz
BlenheimWither Hills92.9 MHz
Central OtagoObelisk, Alexandra90.3 MHz
 Peninsula Hill, Queenstown92.0 MHz
 Queenstown Greengates92.8 MHz
 Cromwell94.3 MHz
 Glenorchy Kinloch96.8 MHz
 Ranfurly Little Mt Ida97.1 MHz
 Mt Maude, Wanaka99.4 MHz
ChristchurchSugarloaf92.1 MHz
 Southshore94.9 MHz
 Lyttelton104.5 MHz
CoromandelHarataunga, Coromandel Town89.1 MHz
 Waikaukau Point, Whangamata89.9 MHz
 Ohuka Park, Whitianga90.3 MHz
 Waihi90.6 MHz
 Waihi93.8 MHz
 Tairua-Pauanui93.9 MHz
 Matarangi94.0 MHz
 Waihi104.2 MHz
 Opito Bay106.7 MHz
Coromandel-Hauraki PlainsPaeroa93.2 MHz
 Thames Lower Rataroa97.2 MHz
DunedinMt Cargill97.4 MHz
Far NorthMaungataniwha, Kaitaia91.6 MHz
FiordlandMt Prospect, Te Anau96.0 MHz
GisborneWharekopae90.1 MHz
 Wheatstone Rd98.9 MHz
Golden Bay-TakakaMt Campbell92.0 MHz
HamiltonRuru92.2 MHz
Hutt ValleyFitzherbert95.3 MHz
 Haywards99.7 MHz
InvercargillHedgehope89.2 MHz
KaikouraKaikoura Peninsula89.9 MHz
Kapiti CoastForest Heights90.3 MHz
Lower NorthlandHorokaka91.6 MHz
 Mangawhai Heads93.6 MHz
 Tutukaka Ngunguru94.4 MHz
MarlboroughMt Freeth, Picton94.7 MHz
Mid NorthlandHikurangi, Kaikohe91.6 MHz
 Russell, Bay of Islands95.2 MHz
Napier-HastingsMt Erin88.7 MHz
NelsonGrampians92.8 MHz
New PlymouthMt Egmont93.2 MHz
North AucklandMoirs Hill, Hibiscus Coast88.9 MHz
 Lochamber, Hibiscus Coast97.8 MHz
Northern Hawkes BayWairoa98.9 MHz
OamaruCape Wanbrow100.0 MHz
Palmerston NorthWharite South92.2 MHz
RotoruaReporoa Paeroa Range89.2 MHz
 Pukepoto95.9 MHz
South CanterburyTwizel89.4 MHz
 Mt Ellen, Waimate93.1 MHz
 Mt Mary, Twizel94.2 MHz
 Mt Michael, Fairlie95.0 MHz
South OtagoClinton88.3 MHz
 Balclutha92.9 MHz
 Balclutha Kuriwao93.7 MHz
 Lawrence107.1 MHz
South TaranakiOpunake Kahui Trig92.8 MHz
SouthlandGarston97.2 MHz
TaranakiOakura Poutoko96.8 MHz
 Okato Pukeiti100.0 MHz
TasmanMt Murchison, Murchison94.1 MHz
TaupoTuhingamata93.6 MHz
 Kinloch107.2 MHz
TaurangaKopukairua93.4 MHz
Thames ValleyTe Aroha106.7 MHz
 Thames 106.7 MHz
TimaruTimaru93.1 MHz
 Mt Horrible97.9 MHz
WairarapaCastlepoint105.9 MHz
Wairarapa-MastertonPopoiti89.5 MHz
WaitakiCloud Hill, Omarama90.9 MHz
 Station Peak, Kurow96.8 MHz
 Otematata98.1 MHz
WellingtonMt Kaukau99.7 MHz
WhanganuiBastia Hill92.8 MHz
WhangareiParahaki91.6 MHz


If your station is missing, or details are incorrect, email us.


The NZ Radio Guide Main Index

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