The New Zealand Radio Guide
All Stations in North Canterbury
| Radio Region: Canterbury |
| Station | kHz/MHz | Location | Broadcasting from |
| Commercial | | Brian FM | 106.1 | North Canterbury | Wallace Peak Hanmer | | Community | | Compass FM | 103.7 | North Canterbury | Cheviot Beltana | Compass FM | 103.7 | North Canterbury | Wallace Peak Hanmer | Compass FM | 104.9 | North Canterbury | Rangiora Mt Grey | | Other | | Triple M | 88.2 | North Canterbury | North Loburn School | Kaiapoi Gospel FM | 106.9 | North Canterbury | Kaiapoi | Integrity FM | 107.2 | North Canterbury | Rangiora | Southbrook FM | 107.5 | North Canterbury | Southbrook School, Rangiora |
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